Map of Costa Rica
The Rain Forest
The Beach
Wildlife of Costa Rica
Links to more information
Click on the blue circles for information about the various
San Jose is the capital city
of Costa Rica. It is a noisy bustling city with great
shopping and many fascinating museums.
I found a large mirror with brightly colored plants and
animals of Costa Rica carved in wood all around the frame
which I managed to carry back on the airplane successfully.
San Jose also has many parks, large and small, as well as a small
zoo containing many native birds and animals. Within 20 kilometers
from the city, you can find the peace and beauty of the
rain forest and many national parks and preserves.
Tortuguero National Park is the largest nesting
area for green sea turtles and also shelters many species of
monkeys, parrots, crocodiles and other animals. When the baby
turtles hatch on the beaches, they look for the light reflecting
off the sea to guide them to the water. Lights from hotels and
other man-made sources confuse them and they can head the wrong
way away from the safety of their homes. This has given rise
to a new occupation - turtle turner. People are hired
to turn the baby turtles back towards the ocean in order to
protect the species.
Arenal Volcano
was sending forth rivers of lava when we saw it.
We had been worried that we wouldn't have time to see it because
all the tours were combined with other things and took too long.
But one night at dinner, we were talking with our waitress about it
and before we knew it, we were in a taxi belonging to her brother
and driven by her husband, watching the lava pour down the mountain.
It was a long drive from San Jose, complicated by getting lost many
times with our non-professional driver, who had never seen the
volcano before either, but it was an adventure, and the lava was
beautiful in the clear night.
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